Module Command buttons
ProxmoxKVM module WHMCS
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Status concepts.
Remote status
The status of the virtual machine as returned by the PROXMOX server.
May be: running/stopped
VM remote lock
May be: clone/backup
Local status
The status is internal, to control and select automation actions using the module.
The local state can take the following values:
- creation - the first status issued at the time of service creation. Indicates that the virtual machine creation process should start
- reinstall -status if the reinstallation process is running and the virtual machine is in the reinstallation queue
- clone - the process of cloning a virtual machine from a template
- set_cpu_ram - the process of configuring the number of processor cores and RAM memory was successful
- set_system_disk_size - the process of creating the size of the system disk has completed successfully
- set_system_disk_bandwidth - the process of configuring system disk bandwidth limits was successful
- set_created_additional_disk - the process of creating an additional disk is successful. Also if the additional disk is not present in the package configuration
- set_additional_disk_size - the process of creating the size of theadditional disk has completed successfully. Also if the additional disk is not present in the package configuration
- set_additional_disk_bandwidth - the process of configuringadditional disk bandwidth limits was successful. Also if the additional disk is not present in the package configuration
- set_network - network card configuration (vlan, bridge) completed successfully
- set_firewall - firewall rules added successfully
- set_cloudinit - cloud init configuration successful
- ready - the status characterizes that the virtual machine was created correctly and is ready to work
set_dns_records - means that the next time the crontab is executed, DNS records will be synchronized
change_package - means that the next time you run crontab, the settings of the virtual machine will be changed, such as (disk, ram, processor, IP)
Standard Module Command buttons
This function runs when a new product is provisioned. This can be initiated by WHMCS upon checkout or Client making payment for a new order. Also, it can be initiated by an admin user from the Products/Services tab in a client's profile of the admin area.
General algorithm of action:
- An available IP address is selected from the list in the server settings.
- The available virtual machine ID is selected in such a way that it is unique in the WHMCS system and Proxmox server
- The fields with the domain name and the name of the virtual machine are generated and filled. The procedure uses the data supplied in the virtual machine package.
- Start the process of cloning a virtual machine from the desired virtual machine template.
All other functions for creating a virtual machine will be implemented by a cron task
Terminated service IP addresses are also taken into account and can be assigned to a new service.
This function runs when a suspension is requested. It can be requested automatically by the WHMCS Cron when a product becomes overdue, or by admin user in the Client Profile.
Makes the virtual machine stop if the virtual machine is powered on.
This function runs when an unsuspension is requested. It can be requested upon payment of an overdue invoice for a product.
Makes the virtual machine start if the virtual machine is powered off.
This function runs when a termination is requested. It can be automatically requested by the WHMCS Cron for long overdue products when enabled (Automation Settings). It can be also requested by an admin user in the Client Profile.
General algorithm of action:
- Deletes all backups and snapshots of the virtual machine.
- Makes the machine virtual stop if the virtual machine is powered on.
- Then it deletes the virtual machine.
- Adds information with the date and IP address to the admin notes on the client service.
- Returns the machine's used IP address back to the pool of free useable IP addresses.
- Cleans up data.
Change Package
This function runs during procedure of upgrading or downgrading products. This function runs when an upgrade or downgrade order, placed by the client, becomes paid. Admins can also invoke this from the product management pages. The same function runs for upgrades and downgrades of both products and configurable options.
General algorithm of action:
- Makes the virtual machine stop if the virtual machine is powered on.
- Changes the parameters of the virtual machine to the parameters specified in the package.
- Makes the start of the virtual machine.
Additional Module Command buttons
All possible actions available to be performed in the admin panel have short symbols that will help you understand the consequences of the action.
* - It is possible to run a function with which will do actions on the virtual machine in the running state.
** - It is possible to run only if the virtual machine is in the stopped state
-> - means that this function participates in the automatic creation of the virtual machine and points to the next function that must be run to correctly complete the creation of the virtual machine.
Starts the virtual machine if the virtual machine is in the stopped state and the local state is ready
Stops the virtual machine if it is in the running state
Starts the process of reinstalling the virtual machine
An available IP address is selected from the list in the server settings. Terminated service IP addresses are also taken into account and can be assigned to a new service.
Starts the process of cloning a virtual machine from the desired virtual machine template.
Forces configuration of the processor and memory settings of the virtual machine relative to the package configuration.
*Set System Disk Size
Forces the size of the system disk according to the parameters in the package
*Set System Disk Bandwidth
Forces system disk bandwidth settings according to packet settings.
*Set Created Additional Disk
Creates an additional virtual machine disk if configured accordingly in the package
*Set Additional Disk Size
Forces the size of the additional disk relative to the parameters in the package, if needed
*Set Additional Disk Bandwidth
Forces additional disk bandwidth settings relative to packet settings, if needed
*Set Network
Forces configuration of network card parameters such as bridge VLAN and bandwidth relative to the parameters in the packet
*Set Firewall
Adds rules to the firewall. DOES NOT REMOVE OLD.
Forces cloud-init device settings to be configured relative to the settings in the package.
Delete the virtual machine. Leaves backups and does not delete unused disks.
Set DNS records
DNS records will be synchronized immediately and before completion. May be busy for a long time.
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