Adding a document
Documents can be added in several ways: We can use the bulk upload option and upload a few or a ...
Bulk PDF upload
The system enables the batch upload of PDF files to the system. Mass file upload helps in everyd...
Classification of PDF files
Go to the "Documents" menu item and click "List of unclassified". Go to the viewing mode by clic...
Viewing/Editing the Agreement
Go to the "Documents" menu item and click "Agreement list". Use the date buttons to select a sor...
Viewing/Editing an Invoice
Go to the "Documents" menu item and click "List invoices". Use the date buttons to select a sort...
Viewing/Editing an annex to the Agreement
The annex is used to change the terms of the contract without editing the contract itself and hel...
Unmapping documents
If for some reason it is necessary to move the document to an unclassified state, for example, if...
Deleting PDF files
To delete a PDF file, you mustGo to the "Documents" menu item and click "List of unclassified". ...