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Bulk PDF upload

The system enables the batch upload of PDF files to the system.

Mass file upload helps in everyday work with the system.

Please keep in mind 2 things:

Documents that are not classified and await classification in the "List of unclassified" tabs are not processed by the system in any way and are not included in summaries and reports. Deleting them in no way affects the values stored in the system.

The document must be attached to the contractor to be analyzed by the system and be visible in reports and other summaries.

To use this functionality:

Go to the "Documents" menu item and click "List of unclassified".


Then press "Select Files".

In the window that will open, select the required files and confirm your selection.

Then hit the "Upload" button

The files are automatically uploaded to the system.


Attention! If the file already exists in the system, the system will not allow it to be uploaded.
