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Product Configuration

Support by Time module WHMCS

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This module supports both One Time and Recurring billing cycles for services.

One Time Billing:
If you choose the One Time billing option, the service will remain active until the end of the purchased support hours package.

Recurring Billing:
If you choose the Recurring billing option, the support hours will be calculated on a monthly cycle basis.

Add new product to WHMCS

System Settings->Products/Services->Create a New Product

In the Module settings section, select the "PUQ Support by Time" module


License key


A pre-purchased license key for the "PUQ Support by time" module. For the module to work correctly, the key must be active


Support package setup


Hours per month - Indicates the number of hours that are included in the paid service package

Invoice Action - How WHMCS will create an invoice to the customer

  • Don't invoice for now — Keep it in the client's account as an unbilled item.
  • Invoice on Next Cron Run — Generate an invoice for it the next time your daily cron job runs.
  • Add to User's Next Invoice — Add it to the next automated recurring renewal invoice that the system generates for products and services.


Price per hour

In this section, you set the price per hour of support in all currencies that you have in the WHMCS system.
