Email Template (puqSynology Notification disk limit)
Synology module WHMCS
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Create an email template for customer notifications.
System Settings->Email Templates->Create New Email Template
- Email Type: Product/service
- Unique Name: puqSynology Notification disk limit
Disk space usage {$disk_used_percentage} % - {$username}
Dear {$client_name},
This letter informs you that the disk space usage limit is coming to an end.
Product/Service: {$service_product_name}
Due Date: {$service_next_due_date}
Username: {$username}
Disk limit: {$disk_limit_bytes*$unit_coefficient} {$unit}
Disk used: {$disk_used_unit} {$unit} ({$disk_used_percentage} %)
Disk free: {$disk_free_unit} {$unit} ({$disk_free_percentage} %)
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