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WireGuard VPN module WHMCS

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Client Area Description



  • Network Configuration:
    • VPN Protocols: Displays available VPN protocols such as WireGuard and IKEv2. The client will see the configuration for IKEv2 if available.
    • Bandwidth download/upload: Shows the bandwidth rate available for each VPN client account, which is set in the package.
    • User manual: Link to user manual or instructions for using the VPN service.
    • Download VPN client: Link to download the VPN client software.
    • Create one-time link: Button to generate a one-time link with connection parameters, useful for transferring connection settings to the end user.
  • WireGuard Configuration:
    • Download Config: Button to download the WireGuard configuration file.
    • QR Code: QR code containing the WireGuard configuration details.
    • Configuration Details: Displays detailed configuration settings such as address, DNS, private key, endpoint, public key, and allowed IPs.
  • IKEv2 Configuration:
    • Download CA Certificate: Button to download the IKEv2 CA certificate.
    • Download Profile: Button to download the IKEv2 profile.
    • Server Details: Displays the server address and username.
    • Password: Displays the password for the IKEv2 configuration.


  • Usage Metrics:
    • Bandwidth Usage In (GB): Displays the current usage, pricing, and last update time for incoming bandwidth usage.
    • Bandwidth Usage Out (GB): Displays the current usage, pricing, and last update time for outgoing bandwidth usage.
    • Example:
      • Current Usage: GB (In), GB (Out)
      • Pricing: Price / GB (set in the package)
      • Last Update: Time of last data update
Resource Usage


  • Bandwidth:
    • Usage: Displays the current bandwidth usage and the total available bandwidth limit (e.g., 3111MB / 1024MB, which is set in the package).
    • Last Updated: Shows the last update time of the resource usage metrics.

Summary of the Client Panel Page

  • VPN Protocols: Lists available VPN protocols like WireGuard and IKEv2.
  • Bandwidth download/upload: Indicates the bandwidth rate assigned to each VPN client account, as set in the package.
  • User Manual and VPN Client Download: Provides links to the user manual and VPN client download.
  • One-time Link Generation: Allows the creation of a one-time link for sharing connection parameters.
  • WireGuard Configuration: Shows configuration options for WireGuard, including downloading the config file and displaying QR code and detailed settings.
  • IKEv2 Configuration: Shows configuration options for IKEv2, including downloading CA certificate and profile, and displaying server and login details.
  • Metrics Tab: Displays detailed usage metrics for bandwidth usage, including current usage, pricing (e.g., 10.00 EUR / GB, set in the package), and last update time.
  • Resource Usage Tab: Displays current usage of disk space and bandwidth with the bandwidth limit set in the package (e.g., 3111MB / 1024MB) and the last updated time.