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Important Information About Generating a Unique Open Link for QR Code Delivery in an Email Template

WireGuard VPN module WHMCS

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This process allows for the generation of unique open links for QR codes that can be incorporated into email templates in WHMCS. This is convenient for ensuring secure access to your user's configuration data.

Security Mechanism

The security mechanism built into this process has multiple layers of protection that ensure the safety of the data. Details about the implementation of the protection are not disclosed to maintain maximum security.

Activity Notifications

If there are attempts to unauthorized access to the QR code, the administrator will receive corresponding notifications in the WHMCS activity log. This ensures full control and visibility of any attempts to access the QR code.

Important: It's essential to react to these notifications in the activity log and take appropriate security measures.

Notification Levels

  • High level of danger: Notifications in the form of "Someone is trying to get a QR code, but the verification words are wrong. [additional data follows]". This indicates an attempt to access the QR code using incorrect verification parameters.

  • Low level of danger: Notifications in the form of "It looks like someone is trying to get a QR code. [additional data follows]". This indicates an attempt to access, but without any attempt to use verification parameters.

Reacting to Notifications

It's necessary to take appropriate security measures when receiving high-level danger notifications. Upon receiving low-level danger notifications, pay attention, but it's not critical. In any case, you will always be aware of attempts to access the QR code, and you will have the IP address of the device making such requests.


Using this mechanism ensures the safety and control of access to a user's configuration data via QR code.