HestiaCP module WHMCS
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v2.1.1 Released 14-02-2025
- Refactored for streamlined HTML generation on Admin Area:
- Improved checkbox styling with Bootstrap classes
- Added margins for better element separation
- Consistent use of Bootstrap classes across form elements
- Enhanced form layout for better user experience
- Improved checkbox styling with Bootstrap classes
- Added
field - Added support for PHP 8.3 and 8.4
- Added an enhanced and more accurate Dutch translation for the module
- Optimized
v2.0 Released 24-09-2024
Module is coded ionCube v13
Supported php version:
- php 7.4 WHMCS 8.11.0 -
- php 8.1 WHMCS 8.11.0 +
- php 8.2 WHMCS 8.11.0 +
v1.9.8.1 Released 02-07-2024
- User Interface Optimization
- Changed the appearance of the navigation buttons on the home screen
- Optimizing the home screen for mobile devices
- Added inputs that contain login, wherever the login is present
- Added a copy login button wherever the login is present
- Added inputs that hide passwords wherever a password is present
- Added a button that allows you to peek the password wherever the password is present
- Added a copy password button wherever a password is present
- Optimized
v1.9.7 Released 27-03-2024
- Added the ability to use name servers from the server settings
- Added the ability to calculate quotas, displayed in the package settings, such as:
- WEB Domains Usage
- WEB Aliases Usage
- DNS Domains Usage
- DNS Records Usage
- Email Domains Usage
- Email Accounts Usage
- Databases Usage
- Cron Jobs Usage
- Owned IP addresses
- Disk Usage (GB)
- Bandwidth Usage (GB) - Added the ability to forward the server hostname to configure each instance of the package file manager on each server
- Changed the starting path for deploying the backup download script to
- Optimized the appearance of the main page and other pages in the client area
- Translations added/updated (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian)
- Optimized
- Fix some bugs
v1.9.6 Released 19-03-2024
- Added the ability to go to the document root of each domain by clicking on the file manager on the domains card
- Removed the ability to connect more than two NS servers when creating a DNS zone
- Now when we have a connected WWW alias, the add alias button is not displayed, but when it is not there the button is displayed
- In the email domains section, a button has been added that opens a window with information about mail configuration
- Now, when a client is in one of the sections that requires additional description for clarity, the client area has a description in the header
- All cards of all positions have been redesigned to reduce the space they occupy on the page
- On the main page in information about the service, some fields have been added and removed
- Redesigned the way FTP accounts are displayed and managed, a button has been added to quickly go to the domain account section
- Added a button to quickly go to the email section of a domain from the WEB section if the email domain exists
- Added processing of scenarios when it is necessary to provide the service of only electronic processing almost or only DNS processing or only WEB processing (note that you cannot create an email domain without DNS since HestiaCP adds records to the zone for correct mail operation)
- Translations added/updated (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian)
- Updated file manager code responsible for opening a specific domain folder (don't forget to update the manager files)
- The files providing the API for the module have been updated if you want to use your own version (don't forget to update the files to provide the API)
- Optimized
- Fix some bugs
v1.9.5 Released 10-10-2023
- Supported WHMCS v8.8.0
- Supported HestiaCP v1.8.8
- Translations added/updated (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian)
- Optimized
- Fix some bugs
v1.9.2 Released 27-06-2023
- Optimized
- Fix some bugs
v1.9.1 Released 12-05-2023
- Optimized
- Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of a new user when the prefix is empty
v1.9 Released 25-04-2023
- Backup download mechanism is now available (requires additional configuration on the server)
- Improved free space update mechanism
- Optimized interface, optimized work with AJAX
- Improved security
- Fix some bugs
v1.8.5 Released 11-04-2023
- Revised some strings of translations into other languages, added translations
- It is now possible to disable free space updates at the user's request. Note, if you turn off the update of free space at the request of the user, the free space bar will also be disabled, and the update will occur as usual and the data will be available, as usual, in the Resource Usage tab
- The interface has been developed, now the module has become even more convenient to use
- Fix some bugs
v1.8 Released 04-04-2023
- Fix some bugs
- The way to deploy a custom package has been recoding
- Now when refreshing the home page, the user will see the actual amount of used account space
- The appearance of the main page has been redesigned, now the information looks organic, the file manager is available from the main page
v1.7 Released 02-04-2023
- Fix some bugs
- Added icons and some descriptions
- The way to deploy a custom package has been recoding
- Now we use simple AJAX requests to speed up page loading
v1.6 Released 07-03-2023
- Nameserver is now displayed from the package settings, and not from the global WHMCS settings, as it was before
- Added an explicit, full link to the server panel
- Added ability to set username prefix
- Allowed to disable e-mail distribution, for certain actions
- Added a function to force the generation of a username
- Added icons and some descriptions
- Minor bugs fixed
v1.5.1 Released 08-02-2023
- Fix some bugs in one of the deployment options, the user was created redundantly
v1.5 Released 20-01-2023
- Added support for mobile
v1.4 Released 11-01-2023
- Fix some bugs in the design for various design templates
- Spanish language added
- Added support for convert to ASCII WHMCS user first and last name when deploying a user to a HestiaCP server
- Added support for entering domains in Cyrillic
v1.3 Released 07-01-2023
- Added support for CSRF management control on the HestiaCP server
- Fix some bugs in the design for various browsers
v1.2 Released 05-01-2023
- Support WHMCS V8.6
- Support IonCube PHP Loader v12
- Support for PHP 8.1
- Fix some bugs in the design for various design templates
- Setting the file manager button to open the file manager in a new tab
- Add the ability to show the login and password from the panel on the main table in the client area, this is an enabled option
v1.1 Released 08-12-2022
- Changes in design in the client area.
- Adapted to WHMCS themes Lagom 2, Six, Twenty-One, WHMCS-HostCloud.
- Enable or disable PHP version selection for a package. Selecting allowed PHP for a package.
- Added the ability to create packages for each of the services separately. For example, DNS only, Email only.
v1.0 Released 29-10-2022
First version
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