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Clients Only Access

The "Clients Only Access" extension is designed to restrict access to all website content, allowing only the login window to be accessible to visitors. Once a client logs in, they gain full access to the website in its standard mode. However, if they log out, they will be redirected back to the login window and won't be able to browse the site. If they attempt to manually access any page by entering a URL, they will be redirected to the login page.

This extension provides the following options for disabling certain elements:

Disabled main menu: The main menu will not be available to non-logged-in users.

Disabled account menu: The account menu will not be available to non-logged-in users.

Allow password reset: Non-logged-in users will be allowed to reset their passwords.

Allow registration: Non-logged-in users will have the option to register for an account.

By customizing these options, you can create a restricted access environment where only registered clients can fully interact with the website while non-logged-in users are limited to the login window. This helps ensure that sensitive information and functionality are accessible only to authorized clients.